Claim a top-up refund or compensation for Childcare service issues
HMRC will have to fix your problem if you’ve been affected by either Tax-Free Childcare or 30 hours free childcare due to some technical issues in your Childcare Account. They will try to fix this as soon as possible.
If they can’t fix it, you may be able to claim:
- Tax-Free Childcare top-up refund by completing the form available on their website
- Write to HMRC and claim compensation for 30 hours of free Childcare
- Tax-Free Childcare top-up refund
If the amount has been paid for childcare without receiving your government top-up, HMRC will have to refund the payment due, if any of the below applies:
- If you were not able to complete your application for Tax-Free Childcare
- Unable to access your childcare account
Any reasonable costs directly caused by any of the below will also be considered for a refund:
- the services supposed not to be working, HMRC mistakes
- any unreasonable delay, within HMRC control
- 30 hours free childcare compensation
If you apply or reconfirm it before the relevant time then you will be eligible to claim compensation for 30 hours of free childcare (1 September, 1 January or 1 April) only if the technical issues meant you:
- If the 30 hours eligibility code is received on or after the relevant term start date for 30 hours of free childcare
- You were unable to take up a 30-hour free childcare place
- You have paid out for childcare that would have been free
The start dates for 30 hours of free childcare is different to school term start dates.